
22 mar 2013

Day 4

Good morning everybody!

Today the big topic is the weather. We woke up on a grey windy day and the news talk about snow all over. Do not worry, we haven't seen snow so far and we are are on the planned routine.

Yesterday we had a night out. Despite of the cold wind, we enjoyed ourselves very much. This afternoon we are going to the Art Gallery. We are looking forward to that.

Big hugs to you all!

                           *                 *                      *
Bon dia a tothom!

Avui el tema central és el temps. Ens hem llevat en un dia gris i ple de vent i les notícies parlen sobre tot de neu. No us preocupeu, nosaltres encara no n'hem vist i seguim amb les activitats previstes.

Ahir vam sortir una estona al vespre. Tot i el vent, que era molt fred, ens ho vam passar molt bé. Aquesta tarda anirem a la galeria d'art. Tenim moltes ganes de veure-la.

Una abraçada!

1 comentario:

  1. Hello everybody
    I think that you enjoy most every day .... I'm sure they'll come back very tired ..... well, you will have all week to rest.
    I know you will go shopping tomorrow .. Look out with shopping, with money and documents ...
    Kisses for all
    Armando, mom misses you very much ..every day more..I love you, "moreco"
